GBSB Global Business School
Our Story
GBSB Global applies an innovative approach using case studies, simulations, industrial visits and meetups with market leaders. Moreover, it appreciates the individual approach fostering student-centered active learning lead-up in small classes. One of our core values is to educate people who think globally, able to work in cross-cultural teams. The business school pays high attention to the digitalization and innovation trends of business like digital touch boards in all classrooms, collaborative apps, inclusive learning environment, and various educational digital tools.
The institution supports high standards of international business education confirmed by numerous international councils. One of the first business schools in Europe recognized as Microsoft Showcase schools.
GBSB Global Business School is accredited by European Council of Business Education (ECBE) and is the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs in the USA (ACBSP). GBSB Global has strategic partnership with the University of VIC – Central University of Catalonia. This partnership allows our students earn double degrees and participate in study abroad and exchange programs.